We are proud to announce that the etc - english theater cologne website is finally online! Please stop by, and click around, watch the online content, see our Christmas messages, check out the Education part and the Support part. Sign up for our Newsletter if you haven't already. If you encounter any problems in any version of the site, i.e. desktop, mobile, tablet, please let us know. We've tested everything but there could still be a few gremlins in there causing problems that we haven't seen yet. Thank you!
We want to thank all the individuals, companies and organizations that have helped us on this long journey since last year when we received the first grant from the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine Westaflia in Germany and the German government which helped us to get started and to film our genre trailers - The Proposal and Old Time Radio Show / Comedy. Then we received a second grant this year which enabled us to create and realize our first educational project - The English Writing Challenge! We wish you a very Happy Holiday and a safe, healthy, peaceful and adventurous new year. We look forward to seeing you at our first live show in 2022! With gratitude, Kathleen Renish & James Bunyon CoFounders etc-english theater cologne Comments are closed.