I just finished shooting a nice role for the leading German soap series, UNTER UNS. I can't say anything about it now, but check back for more information!
https://www.rtl.de/cms/sendungen/unter-uns.html In early September I was be part of a team of voice actors dubbing YAKARI, an animated feature adaptation of the best-selling Belgian-French comic-book series about a young Sioux boy who is able to communicate with animals. I dubbed the character, RINGTAIL which is a friend of Yakari on his adventures. More news later!
I wrapped up filming the sci fi film, HELLEBORE playing the role, Commander Areta Lelantos, from director, Veronika Bolotina.
Watch out for more from this up and coming young, talented director. She is in the process of applying for film funding for the long film of the same name. We are all waiting until we can start shooting the long film. That is going to be an adventure! I'm feeling very grateful!
On Saturday, June 22, I had another shooting day for KUNTERGRAU Season 3. It was great being back on set with some of the cast and crew. My final shooting day is on July 13 and then the season goes into post production. Premiere will be in 2020. I'm really looking forward to it!
My new Sizzle Reel, English Reel and German Reel (with English subtitles are finished. Just click on REELS to see them or on the front page of this site, scroll down and you'll find them there too. Happy watching!
I had a great time this week at Torus Filmtonpostproduktion GmbH. You were a great team!
Thanks to Bernd Lutzer from logoSynchron for booking me and to my colleagues Jim Boeven, Anna-Sophia Lumpe and John Doyle for the fun time dubbing together BACK ON STAGE IN APRIL!
I'm going to be back on stage in Bonn, at the Euro Theater Central, April 13, 2019, 20:00 Uhr, doing WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT (in English) by Nassim Soleimanpour. No rehearsals. No director. No set. A different performer reads the script cold for the first time at each performance. As a unique theatre experience, WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT by Iranian writer Nassim Soleimanpour has been played worldwide, translated in 25 languages and creates a fascinating evening about freedom, manipulation and conformity. This is not only going to be a unique experience for me but for the audience as well. I'm really looking forward to it! Euro Theater Central Telephone: 0228 / 65 29 51 Reservations by email: [email protected] https://www.eurotheatercentral.de/ A special thanks to director Kai Kreuser (KUNTERGRAU) for bringing me into this special project back in 2015. I'm looking forward to shooting the final scenes and to seeing the finished season in 2020. 😘
I hope in the future we can work together on other projects. I'm very grateful for your trust in me to do the role of Oma Margarethe. Filming for KUNTERGRAU Season 3 has begun again! February and March will involve the bulk of the filming and I'm extremely happy to be working with this amazing cast and crew.
More news later! KUNTERGRAU won the Webvideopreis 2018! In Europe, the Webvideopreis is the biggest award in the fields of Internet video and social media. webvideopreis.de/ WEB: Web Video Prize 2018Kuntergrau has been nominated for the Web Video Prize Germany! It's a wonderful opportunity for the LGBT community to be represented in such a large platform. Voting takes place until November 23, 2018 by going to their site at www.webvideopreis.de/nominierte Mit KUNTERGRAU beim Webvideopreis Deutschland haben wir die Chance zu zeigen, dass die Geschichten unserer Community es verdienen gesehen zu werden! Lasst uns den ganz Großen beim Webvideopreis zeigen, wie stark die LGBT-Community ist! Bis zum 23.11. habt ihr die Möglichkeit unter www.webvideopreis.de/nominierte eure Stimme für KUNTERGRAU abzugeben WEBSERIES: KUNTERGRAUSeason 3 of KUNTERGRAU began filming in September! It was great to work again with the wonderful team and cast and to play Oma Margarethe (Grandma Margaret) again. kuntergrau.net/en/about/ THEATRE:I am working on an adaptation of a theatre piece for German audiences. It's a piece I have admired and have been inspired by for over 25 years and always wanted to perform. I first have to complete the adaptation idea and then apply for the rights. SCREENPLAY:I'm also working on my first screenplay. It's based on an adventure I had at the age of 14 and is sort of a road /coming of age film. I've realized that writing a screenplay is not something that comes very easily. TRAINING:During the summer, I was busy doing various training courses in auditioning, creative writing and creating characters. The work never stops! FILM: ELEANOR & COLETTEIn May, the international feature film, Eleanor & Colette, starring Hilary Swank and Helena Bonham Carter, opened in Germany. I had the honor of playing a small role in this film shooting directly with Hilary Swank. It was one of the most memorable shooting experiences I've had. She is a wonderful, kind, caring human being. TV SERIES: WEST OF LIBERTY
GAMES: Bus Simulator 2018I had the pleasure to record a character for the new game, Bus Simulator 2018, an exciting, action packed truck driving simulator game. Created by astragon entertainment GmbH and should be released later in 2018. Thanks to Rain Productions for selecting me for this project! www.bussimulator-game.de FILM: FIRST WORLD SOLUTIONSI just got back from filming the lead role in the fantasy comedy short film, FIRST WORLD SOLUTIONS, directed by Maira Stork. I played the role of President Sarah Washington. It is a non-politically correct comedy which brings the leaders of all the major continents of the world together with God's representative to talk about what's happening down here on earth and what can be done to fix the problems. I had a wonderful week with a fantastic cast and crew. The post production should be done by April and then it will start the festival rounds. With colleagues (left to right) Tatsuya Tagawa, Stephen Moltari, Hanna Bieder and David Wurawa. FILM: PAWOThe feature, PAWO, is finally being released in German cinemas! Below is the info I just received from the production company. Pawo starts in German cinemas from April 15th 2018!!! A movie is finally emerging out of an idea. An incredible step for all those involved who believed in this project. After a long festival trip around the world, many great international awards and a lot of work, we finally made it. Pawo is coming to German cinemas and celebrates its premiere on 13.4 in Munich as a nominated film at the Cosmic Cine Festival in the wonderful Mathäser Film Palace. This is made possible by our distributor Busch Media Group GmbH & Co kg (e.g. Samsara by Ron Fricke) and Camino Film Distribution (U. A Tehran taboo by Ali Soozandeh). From 15.4 on, Pawo then officially launches in the cinemas (dt + subtitles). Dates, places and times will be announced. Until then, our trailer is now available for the first time in German! Share it with your friends and go to the cinema near you! Free Tibet! The Department-film production + ÜberRot-Film and design Thank you for your support and your faith in Pawo! Pawo startet in den deutschen Kinos ab dem 15. April 2018!!! Aus einer Idee wird endlich ein Kinofilm. Ein unglaublicher Schritt für alle Beteiligten, die an dieses Projekt geglaubt haben. Nach einer langen Festivalreise rund um die Welt, vielen tollen internationalen Auszeichnungen und viel Arbeit, haben wir es endlich geschafft. Pawo kommt in die deutschen Kinos und feiert seine Premiere am 13.4. in München als nominierter Film auf dem Cosmic Cine Festival im wunderbaren Mathäser Filmpalast. Möglich macht dies unser Verleiher Busch Media Group GmbH & Co KG (u.a.Samsara von Ron Fricke) und Camino Filmverleih (u.a Teheran Tabu von Ali Soozandeh). Ab dem 15.4. startet Pawo dann offiziell in den Kinos (Dt+OmU). Termine, Orte und Zeiten werden noch bekannt gegeben. Bis dahin gibt's unseren Trailer nun zum ersten mal auf Deutsch ! Teilt ihn mit euren Freunden und geht mit ihnen ins Kino in eurer Nähe ! Free Tibet ! Das Department - Filmproduktion + überRot - Film und Design sagen Danke für eure Unterstützung und euren Glauben an Pawo ! SPREAD THE NEWS ! --- #freetibet #pawo #exile #cinema #independentcinema #featurefilm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPb7S8D8Geo 2018 is off to a great start!I'm looking at a few film projects with interesting, varied roles for me. More on that soon.
In the theatre area, I'm still working on a concept for new a one woman show, reading various plays and talking with an English Theatre company about working on a project together this year. In the music area, my husband and I have started working on a guitar and vocal version of City of Stars and hope to have it done soon as well as some other new songs (possibly some original compositions). I'm planning to be in Berlin during the Berlinale Film Festival and also to catch up with colleagues I haven't seen in a while. I hope your new year has started off healthy and on a positive, optimistic note! I'm grateful for all the opportunities that come to me and for all the people who support me. Thank you! EMCEE / PRESENTING: 2017 IOC / IPOC / IAKS Architecture Awards for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilities I had the honor and pleasure of emceeing / presenting at the 2017 IOC / IPOC / IAKS Architecture Awards for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilites in Cologne in early November. The patrons of the IOC/IAKS Award for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilities are the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS). The patrons of the IPC/IAKS Distinction for Accessibility are the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS). Besides introducing the projects and the lucky winners, I also had the honor of introducing the Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker as well as the representatives of the IOC, IPOC and the IAKS. This year, 72 projects competed from all continents, including ones in Azerbaijan, India, Nigeria, Palestine and Singapore. Countries ranging from A for Australia to U for USA were all participating. This year’s winners spanned the range of major international sports event venues in Singapore and Brazil, to small and socially meaningful skateparks in Palestine and Spain. FILM: 55 STEPSI was so happy when I opened the following email today from Elsani Film. I had the pleasure of doing a small role in this film and shooting with Hilary Swank, a very lovely, kind, sweet person, as well as a talented actress. The film stars Hilary Swank, Helena Bonham Carter and Jeffrey Tambor. We are very happy and proud to announce that „55 STEPS“ – directed by Bille August – will celebrate its World Premiere at the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival (7-17 Sep) in the section Gala Presentation. Please find more information about the film and its presentation at TIFF 2017 http://www.tiff.net/tiff/55-steps/?v=55-steps Yours, Elsani Film WEBSERIES: KUNTERGRAUFrom the KUNTERGRAU FACEBOOK PAGE: #trivia | S01E03 Actress Kathleen A. Renish and director Kai Kreuser met during a workshop for actors and directors back in 2015. Since KUNTERGRAU was looking for an actress to portray the role of Leopold's grandmother Margarethe, he offered her the role. Since then she managed to act her way into the hearts of people all over the world. I mean - how can you not love her? It was such a pleasure to play the role of Oma (Grandma) Margarethe. I'm looking forward to shooting Season 3. FILM:
WEB SERIES: KUNTERGRAUSunday, May 14 the final episode (4) of Season 2 of KUNTERGRAU will be aired and then a live stream with the cast will start at 19:45 (7:45 p.m.) KUNTERGRAU Here are some comments from an online review of Episode 3 where my character, grandma Margarethe has a confrontation with Lukas's mother: "Gänsehautfaktor Oma Margarethe Oma Margarethe, die für viele bereits jetzt der Liebling der Serie ist, katapultiert sich in dieser Folge eindrucksvoll in eine Liga mit Figuren wie Schwulenmutti „Debby“ aus "Queer as Folk". Als Lukas‘ Mutter Marion Oma Margarethe vorwirft, Lukas zu beeinflussen und ihn von ihr zu entfremden, wird Oma Margarethe erstmals wirklich wütend. Prompt hält sie Marion eine emotionale Standpauke: „Wenn das Ihre Form von Liebe ist, dann haben sie die Liebe Ihres Kindes überhaupt nicht verdient.“ Das ist einer der stärksten Momente der Webserie. „Oma Margarethe war wir immer sehr stark! So eine Oma könnte man sich echt wünschen“, fasst ein Zuschauer die Folge auf YouTube zusammen. Die Wutrede hat jedenfalls Erfolg: Als Oma Margarethe mit Marion in einem Restaurant versackt, bekommen die Zuschauer erstmals einen Einblick in das Seelenleben von Lukas Mutter." English translation: Goosebump Factor: Grandma Margarethe Grandma Margarethe, who is already the favorite of the series for many, is in this episode impressively catapulted into a league with figures like mom "Debby" from "Queer as Folk". When Lukas's mother, Marion, accuses grandma Margarethe of influencing Lukas and alienating him from her, grandma Margarethe becomes really angry for the first time. Promptly she gives Marion an earful: "If that is your form of love, then you don't deserve the love of your child at all." This is one of the strongest moments of the web series. "Grandma Margarethe, we were always very strong! You could really want a granny like that, "a viewer comments on YouTube. In any case, the rant had success: When grandma Margaret and Marion are camped out in a restaurant, the spectators get insight into the soul of Lukas' mother for the first time. " Photos from the Season 2 of the Koeln, gay web series KUNTERGRAU, on April 2, 2017 at Cinedom, Koeln. It was a full cinema and a fantastic Premiere! The first episide of Season 2 will be aired on You Tube on April 23 with live streaming with the cast afterwards. KUNTERGRAU Makeup and hair by Skadi Lesske. The 3D printed, black, Gibson Les Paul guitar earrings were designed by my husband Georg Kreuter. WEB SERIES: KUNTERGRAUOn April 1, 2017 is the Season 2 Premiere of the Koeln, gay web series, "KUNTERGRAU" where I play the crazy, funny, lively grandma Margaret will be shown in cinema 9 at Cinedom in Koeln, from 5:00 p.m until 8:00 p.m. Tickets are free and should be picked up no later than 4:30 p.m. Season 1 had 500,000 clicks. You can see some clips of scenes on my German showreel. Links to their website and You Tube channel are below. I'm looking forward to celebrating with the cast, crew and the fans of KUNTERGRAU! Am 01.April 2017 im Cinedom in Köln um 17-20 Uhr, ist die Premiere von der zweiten Staffel der Kölner Schwulen Web-Serie "Kuntergrau", in der ich die Rolle der verrückten, lustigen, lebhaften Oma Margarethe spiele. Die erste Staffel hatte über eine halbe Millionen Klicks! Auf meinem deutschen Demoreel finden Sie unter anderem Szenen mit mir als Oma Margarethe aus der ersten Staffel. Das Crowd-Funding für die zweite Staffel war sehr erfolgreich und jetzt ist es soweit, dass die Staffel veröffentlicht wird. Hier sind links mit mehr Informationen. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEzYtDszsUNGLscR4gOL1ew Website von der Web-Serie " Kuntergrau": http://kuntergrau.net/en/ VOICE OVER:2017 has started off peaceful and with some interesting speaking projects, one in particular, is a documentary about the one and only Ella Fitzgerald. It's called "pure love- The Voice of Ella Fitzgerald. The German version will air on Arte on April 23. The English version I spoke will be first presented at the Toronto Black Film Festival. Here is more info about the film http://www.newdocs.de/ellas-voice/ THEATER:In October 2016, I performed the final show of my one-woman show, "A Lost American in Germany". It had a wonderful 5 year run and is now on hold and is available for events and other special occasions.
A modular, shorter version of the show can be booked. Please click on the CONTACT ME button. I'm looking forward to hearing from you! I am working on some ideas for a new musical show, an old time radio show as well as my first political show. Now that the USA has a new President, I think there is lots of material... I'm looking forward to many new and interesting TV, Film,Theater and speaking projects in 2017. COACHING - ACTING IN ENGLISH:Since October 27, 2016, I've been part of the instructional team at the internationale akademie fuer filmschauspiel (iaf) in Koeln. http://iaf-schauspielschule.de/dozenten.html I have two graduating classes of up-and-coming young actors from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Croatia and Serbia. My field of focus is "Acting in English", and "Accent Reduction". VOICE OVER:GAME I recently completed recording for a new social/political game called "PORTRAIT OF AN OLIGARCHY" speaking for the role of the "HOSTESS". More information later! THEATRE:The final show for 2016 was wonderful! Another full house and a very fun, playful audience. Thank you! Here are some comments about the October 29, 2016 show at the Euros Theater Central Bonn on Oct. 29, 2016 "...The show was amazing! I had such a great time. The stories were filled with a lot of different emotions.I laughed, I felt joy, we all sang together.. A really true and beautiful performance that I will never forget!.." "...Kathleen, thank you so much for another lovely and funny evening. We loved to see the show over and over again and it never became boring. It's been great seeing the show change and develop over the years. Sharing your life with us has made our lives richer. Love you, Isabell, Raimund & Christian..." The show on Sept. 17 in Bonn was FANTASTIC! Thank you Bonn! The the final performance in 2016 is on October 29, 2016! Here are some audience comments: Comments from the September 17, 2016 show at the Euro Theater Central Bonn: "...Thank you so much for this amazing and heart-warming show! We had so much fun and you both were great!..." "...A Lost American In Germany last night at Euro Theater Central in Bonn with and by Kathleen Renish. What a fantastic performer and what a great story, what a life!..." "...Thanks for an amazing show! It was entertaining, funny, touching- I love you singing and Georg at the guitar..." "...It was great! Thank you!...
FILM:Pawo - Film Festivals The feature "Pawo", that I had the honor of working on as the acting coach to the main cast and as an actor back in 2014, has been making the film festival route this year! Here is a list of the festivals coming up: The next festival, again is in the UK. Pawo is in the *Official Selection* of this years Portobello Film Festival in London..."the biggest celebration of independent film in Europe" (The Independent) Screening Date is 4th September at the KPH 130 Ladbroke Grove W10 6HJ, London http://www.portobellofilmfestival.com/ Pawo is in the *Official Selection* and nominated as *Best Feature Film* at this years Festival y Muestra Internacional de cortometrajes Corto Creativo UDCI https://www.facebook.com/cortocreativoUDCI Pawo has been officially selected and nominated as Best Drama at the I Will Tell International Film Festival 2016 in London. http://www.iwilltell.com/pawo.html Come around on 31st August - 7pm - Empire Cinema, 267 High Street, London Pawo is running at Tibet Film Festival 2016. Screening in Dharamsala (India) and Zürich (CH) on 16th/17th September ! Details coming soon ! Stay tuned ! THEATER:Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? I'm very happy and proud to announce that I will be performing the role of "Martha" in Edward Albee's masterpiece, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf", under the direction of Marianne de Pury at the Euro Theater Central Bonn. The premiere will be in March 2017. This is a role and a play I've wanted to do my whole life. I'm thrilled and grateful for this opportunity. VOICE OVER:What a week! I successfully completed 4 new, long and complicated e-learning modules for Interroll. VOICE OVER:I completed a voice over for a tutorial for Aquila Biolabs and industrial films for American Regent "Venofer" and Bayer "Youniverse". Three more happy clients and studios! FILM:Pawo The feature film "Pawo", has won at this years International Independent Film Awards in three categories: PLATINUM AWARD - Cinematography (Amin Oussar, Cinematographer ) GOLD AWARD - Original Score (Sebastian Heinrich & JJI Exile Brothers & Co) GOLD AWARD - Narrative Feature I had the honor of working as acting coach and in a small role in this wonderful project. Congratulations to the cast and team! Here's a link to the trailer: PAWO TRAILER FILM:WEB SERIES:
"KUNTERGRAU" The German web series "KUNTERGRAU" will start shooting the second season in August and September! I'm looking forward to playing grandma Margarethe again! Here's a link to the series season 1. You can find me in episodes 3 & 4. SHOWREELS:My new English and German showreels are online! English Showreel German Showreel I also have a new video page with two commercials I did. Please click here for the commercials. TV:
THEATRE:WEB SERIES:"KUNTERGRAU" The new, gay web series "KUNTERGRAU", where I played grandma Margarethe, had it's premiere in Koeln on January 29, 2016 to a very happy and excited crowd! All 5 episodes of the first season were shown along with an interview session with the main 5 actors along with a brief fund raising part to raise money for the second season. This was a wonderful collaboration between the organization anyway koeln http://www.anyway-koeln.de/jugendliche/ and the film production company moviio http://movi.io/ and was a project created and produced from young gay men in Koeln between the ages of 18 & 27. I just added a bit of color to the project! The trailer doesn't show all the conflicts and daily struggles that the guys have in their daily lives which is the basis of the series. Some of the moments are very touching and the wonderful camera and editing work from Max Jonas Fohrbeck is top and the music from Max Kelm provides a wonderful atmosphere and the directors Kai Kreuser, Nick Schröder and Maik Scholz as well as the rest of the team and cast rounded it all out! Some excerpts of an article about the premiere and the series (about the character Oma Margarethe) first in German and then directly translated into English: Alle lieben Oma Margarete - und einige besonders Lukas Everyone loves grandma Margarethe - and some especially love Lukas Besonders ins Herz schloss das Publikum bei der Premiere Oma Margarethe (Kathleen Renish), die ab Folge 3 neu zu Kuntergrau hinzustößt. Obwohl sie nur eine Nebenrolle spielt, sorgte sie mit ihrem amerikanischen Akzent und ihrer herzlich offenen Art für viel Schmunzeln und Lacher im Publikum. The audience's favorite character of the premiere was grandma Margarethe (Kathleen Renish) who jumps into the series as of episode 3. Although she only has a supporting role, with her American accent and open, warm style, she managed to bring many laughs and chuckles from the audience. Als sie versehentlich in Leopolds Zimmer hineinstürmt und ihm beim Wichsen stört, hält sie danach eine Ansprache auf die Normalität des Masturbierens: "Du musst dich nicht schämen. Das ist ganz normal. Das machen viele Männer." Schöner hätte es auch Schwulenmutti Debbie aus der Serie "Queer As Folk" nicht sagen können. As she inadvertently ran into Leopold's room while he was in the middle of masturbating, she then conducted a speech about the normalcy of masturbation. "You shouldn't feel ashamed. It's totally normal. All men do that.". This couldn't have been better said by the "fag hag" Debbie from the series, "Queer As Folk" . Please click here for "KUNTERGRAU" Season 1 Trailer FILM:"MYRIELLE" The film "MYRIELLE" where I played the role of Vivian Blair, had it's premiere in Dortmund at the Roxy Theater on January 20, 2016. It was the graduation film of 4 film students of "WAM - Die Medienakademie" in Dortmund and it's the third short film production of "Outside The Box - Filmproduktion". It was a great pleasure to work with the team and cast on this project! You can see some set photos by clicking on PHOTOS above. Please click here for the trailer
FILM:"liebe leben" Back in August 2015, I worked with two young, talented directing students at the Internationale Filmschule Koeln on a video project for the Charity Video Award 2015 for the Deutsche Parkinson Vereinigung e.V. Our project is called "liebe leben" and won 3rd prize in the competition. Watch the Video here FILM:
FILM: "Pawo"
VOICE OVER:Over the past 2 weeks I've completed voice over / speaking work for Bayer, Bosch, Swissôtel, Qiagen and Pathway Genomics. I was very happy to receive feedback from Swissotel: „Die Aufnahmen gefallen uns allen sehr gut. Wir sind absolut zufrieden.“. (We all like the recordings very much. We are absolutely satisfied.) LOST IN THE WEST CAST (partial)TV:
PHOTOS:Had a wonderful photo shoot with Jennifer Fey Photography yesterday in Koeln! It was great to work with Jennifer and the makeup artist Kathrin Mueller Just click above on PHOTOS - HEAD SHOTS and COMMERCIAL SHOTS to see all the new shots! FILM:A film project I had a small part in a few years ago, is going into their final crowd funding. They need lots of support to get the film finished! Thanks! Crowdfunding: www.startnext.com/detox and the film website info: www.detox-story.de/crowdfunding FILM:UPDATE! Our film, "liebe leben" won 3rd prize for the Parkinson's Charity Video Award 2015! The team had been invited to the prize ceremony on Sunday, Sept. 27, 2015 at Theater an der Kö in Duesseldorf. Directors : Jade Li und Till Kleinau, Camera: Baalthazar Dusźbekh, Internationale Filmschule Köln I recently completed shooting a short video for the Parkinson's Charity Video Award 2015. The directors were Jade Li und Till Kleinau, camera was Baalthazar Dusźbekh and they are students at the Internationale Filmschule Koeln. It was a wonderful team to work with. The winners of the contest will be announced at the fundraiser on Sept. 27, 2015 at the Theater an der Kö in Duesseldorf. WEB SERIES:In late August I completed filming 3 episodes of the new web series KUNTERGRAU, written and produced by young gay youths between the ages of 16 - 27. I played the role of grandma Margarethe whose grandson Leopold has been living with her since his parents died in a car crash when he was a little toddler. Grandma Margarethe is full of life, energy and match making- much to the embarrassment of her grandson. What a fun project! The cast and team were warm, caring, funny and very appreciative! The premiere of the first season will be at the end of November. VOICE OVER:I completed a 2-day e-learning voice over project for Interroll. I also completed a recording project for HENKEL last week too. The week before that I completed the changes to the project for Pathway Genomics - CancerIntercept™ Detect. The video is now online! https://www.pathway.com/cancer-intercept-detect/ THEATRE: |
I'm back in Frankfurt in THE FALL 2015 !!! The show has been updated and some new, fun additions have been made. Hope to see you there! September 12 and November 7, 2015 - 20 Uhr / 8:00 p.m. Das Internationale Theater Hanauer Landstr. 7 (Zoo-Passage) 60314 Frankfurt 21,- / 17, - or at the door 23, - /19,- Euros Tickets: 069 499 09 80 or online |
The German premiere of the feature STUNG, will be at the Fantasy Film Fest in Berlin on August 14, 2015 at 20:30.
But it will also be in Koeln, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart too. Here is the link to the whole schedule http://www.fantasyfilmfest.com/film/Stung.html
Had a fantastic time working with UK coach, Mel Churcher, http://www.melchurcher.com/wp/ and the first year directors at the internationale filmschule koeln, http://www.filmschule.de/en/Seiten/about.aspx .
Mel has taught a 4-day workshop called, Actors and Directors: Finding a Common Language. She helps both sides to find the best way to communicate prior to and on-set.
But it will also be in Koeln, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart too. Here is the link to the whole schedule http://www.fantasyfilmfest.com/film/Stung.html
Had a fantastic time working with UK coach, Mel Churcher, http://www.melchurcher.com/wp/ and the first year directors at the internationale filmschule koeln, http://www.filmschule.de/en/Seiten/about.aspx .
Mel has taught a 4-day workshop called, Actors and Directors: Finding a Common Language. She helps both sides to find the best way to communicate prior to and on-set.
I just finished recording two industrial voice overs, one for Pathway Genomics and Axniom!
I just completed shooting the German, psycho / thriller "MYRIELLE" in Dortmund. I played the role of VIVIAN. It is the graduation film of 4 film students of "WAM - Die Medienakademie" in Dortmund and it's the third short film production of "Outside The Box - Filmproduktion". It was a great pleasure to work with the team and cast on this project! You can see some set photos by clicking on PHOTOS above.
- Cast:
Myrielle - Natalie Holle
Vivian - Kathleen Renish
William - Thomas Giegerich
Dr. Lewis - Uwe Schmieder
- Crew:
Writer & Director: Miranda "Miu" Schley
Executive Producer: Stefan Dyck
Cinematographer: Alex Streckmann
Set Manager: Levin Risse
Myrielle is a traumatized, 19-year-old orphan with a dark secret. She raises hope when her new parents Vivian and William finally adopt her. But the hope dies when Myrielle gets to know the other sides of Vivian and William.
he Premiere weekend went GREAT! Thanks to everyone who came! Appearing in Miljonka Ensemble !?Eine Reise ins Märchenland?! as part of the Sommerblut Festival in Koeln - May 15, - 17, 2015 at TanzFaktur, Siegburgerstr. 233W, Koeln Deutz. 0221-22200583 http://2015.sommerblut.de/miljonka-ensemble-2/ ENGLISH: AN ABSURD-LIGHT-HEARTED DANCE THEATRE PIECE Each game requires rules. Can they ever be followed? A German-Swiss-American tale provides an answer. Germany ... a country that magically attracts people from other nations. So, as Dolly and Milka, bump into each other upon their arrival in a foreign country. In their luggage they have valuables from their homes, the mighty America and wealthy Switzerland. As different as they are, they soon realize that together they can explore the unknown land. Looking for happiness begins - a game with rules from the new world and desires from the old country. In an absurdly cheerful game, the two figures overcome the obstacles that confront them. In lovingly playful competition, but ultimately always together, they manage more and more to explore facets of fairyland and arrive in the New World. It is the approach of two characters who act bizarrely and find common ground despite different languages, cultural differences and individual life stories. Through dance, drama and interaction with the audience Milka and Dolly take the audience on a journey into "Wonderland". Any resemblance to real life, away from the fairy tale world is not random, but quite intended. A dance-theater production directed by and starring Carole Schmitt & Kathleen Renish. GERMAN: EIN ABSURD-HEITERES TANZ-THEATER-STÜCK Jedes Spiel verlangt nach Regeln. Können sie überhaupt befolgt werden? Ein deutsch-amerikanisch-schweizerisches Märchen gibt Antwort. Deutschland… ein Land, das Menschen aus anderen Nationen magisch anzieht. So auch Dolly und Milka, die sich bei ihrer Ankunft im fremden Land zufällig über den Weg laufen. Im Gepäck haben sie Kostbarkeiten aus ihrer Heimat, dem mächtigen Amerika und der wohlhabenden Schweiz. So unterschiedlich sie auch sind, bemerken sie bald, dass sie nur gemeinsam das unbekannte Land erkunden können. Auf der Suche nach dem Glück beginnt ein Spiel mit Regeln aus der neuen Welt und Sehnsüchten aus der alten Heimat. In einem absurd-heiteren Spiel überwinden die zwei Figuren die Hürden, die ihnen gestellt werden. In liebevoll-spielerischer Konkurrenz, aber letztendlich immer gemeinsam, gelingt es ihnen mehr und mehr Facetten des Märchenlandes zu ergründen und in der neuen Welt anzukommen. Es ist die Annäherung zweier Charaktere, die märchenhaft agieren und trotz unterschiedlicher Sprachen, kultureller Differenzen und individueller Lebensgeschichten einen gemeinsamen Nenner finden. Durch Tanz, Theater und Interaktion mit dem Publikum nehmen Milka und Dolly die Zuschauer mit auf die Reise in das „Märchenland“. Jede Ähnlichkeit zum wahren Leben, abseits der Märchenwelt, ist nicht rein zufällig, sondern durchaus beabsichtigt. Eine Tanz-Theater-Produktion von und mit Carole Schmitt & Kathleen Renish. |
I recorded a new e-learning program for Qiagen in April. It was a last minute request, but the client was VERY happy in the end.
"...I already received the files and they are as great as expected. :-) Most of the eLearning courses are already updated with your voice over and it really makes a huge difference. The result is outstanding..."
Another VO in April was for Nobivac KC, to help dog owners understand the importance of immunizing their dogs against "kennel cough". I also voiced a documentary about Liz Mohn, the wife of deceased Reinhard Mohn, former head of Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA one of the largest international media companies in the world.
In March, I recorded the English voice for a new astronomy APP called "Universe2Go" which should launch in April sometime. It's an amazing 3D adventure (or as the inventor calls it, "augmented reality" in space. The combination of your smart phone and a device that looks like binoculars, it allows you to see the real sky and the generated overlay images simultaneously. The official website will be launched when the product is ready, but here is a link to the successful Start Next Crowd funding campaign that helped to bring this invention to life! https://www.startnext.com/universe2go
"...I already received the files and they are as great as expected. :-) Most of the eLearning courses are already updated with your voice over and it really makes a huge difference. The result is outstanding..."
Another VO in April was for Nobivac KC, to help dog owners understand the importance of immunizing their dogs against "kennel cough". I also voiced a documentary about Liz Mohn, the wife of deceased Reinhard Mohn, former head of Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA one of the largest international media companies in the world.
In March, I recorded the English voice for a new astronomy APP called "Universe2Go" which should launch in April sometime. It's an amazing 3D adventure (or as the inventor calls it, "augmented reality" in space. The combination of your smart phone and a device that looks like binoculars, it allows you to see the real sky and the generated overlay images simultaneously. The official website will be launched when the product is ready, but here is a link to the successful Start Next Crowd funding campaign that helped to bring this invention to life! https://www.startnext.com/universe2go
Director Benni Diez's film STUNG will have it's world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in April. I played the role of Mrs. Markham in the film. Here's a link to the official Trailer on Youtube Here's the schedule http://tribecafilm.com/filmguide?letter=s&page=3 It will have it's European debut at the BIFFF, the Brussells International Fantastic Film Festival in April. Check it out! http://www.bifff.net/festival/movie/stung/ |
March has started off with a bang! I've already completed many speaking projects - An APP called Universe2Go, image film for Leica, a testimonial film for Filabe', an e-learning recording for Bayer, and other recordings for Interroll, BMW, Roche, Boellhoff, Bauknecht and Pro2ACT Management! If you'd like to hear audio clips or view video clips please click here!
A Lost American in Germany - great start in 2015 in Frankfurt
My first show performance in 2015 was FANTASTIC! On February 21, I performed my one-woman show, A Lost American in Germany at the International Theater Frankfurt to a sold out audience! The audience was WONDERFUL! They interacted and participated like crazy! I'm looking forward to going back to Frankfurt again this year. Stay tuned! www.renish-solo.de
Student film shoot - for the final film of directors Christoph Baur and Lukas Naasz - University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Dortmund, Germany
The project is called "Rueckrundenstart der Bundesliga"
It was a cold but fun shoot with a wonderful team and a funny colleague, Jesse Arnold.
The project is called "Rueckrundenstart der Bundesliga"
It was a cold but fun shoot with a wonderful team and a funny colleague, Jesse Arnold.
I was in Berlin for a 1920's / 30's photo shooting with the photographer, Gregory Waldis http://waldis-fotografie.com, make-up and styling by Kordula Ulmann http://www.kordula-ullmann.de and costumes by Le Boudoir - Boheme Sauvage http://www.boheme-sauvage.net/boudoir/index.html The result is FABULOUS! The new photos can be found at 20's /30's Character photos |
4th Year!
The next performance of my one-woman show, “A Lost American in Germany” is on
February 21, 2015 - 20 Uhr / 8:00 p.m.
Please visit www.renish-solo.de for more details about my show!
Das Internationale Theater
Hanauer Landstr. 7 (Zoo-Passage)
60314 Frankfurt
21,- / 17, - or at the door 23, - /19,- Euros
Tickets: 069 499 09 80
The next performance of my one-woman show, “A Lost American in Germany” is on
February 21, 2015 - 20 Uhr / 8:00 p.m.
Please visit www.renish-solo.de for more details about my show!
Das Internationale Theater
Hanauer Landstr. 7 (Zoo-Passage)
60314 Frankfurt
21,- / 17, - or at the door 23, - /19,- Euros
Tickets: 069 499 09 80
On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, I performed excerpts from my one-woman show, "A Lost American in Germany" in a stand-up comedy night called,
"What the F**CK Comedy Night at the club Einundfuenfzig, Hohenzollernring 51, 50672 Köln. What a blast! In 2015 I hope to be part of the show again! Check back!
I finished shooting an episode of the youth series “IN YOUR DREAMS” NDR/KIKA which is a German/Australian co-production. We shot in the beautiful Schloss Marienburg near Hannover! Directed by Ralph Strasser and casting by Marion Haack.
DETOX - Thriller
I finished shooting the role of Jane Alexander in the new thriller DETOX, written and directed by Philip Mueller.
On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, I performed excerpts from my one-woman show, "A Lost American in Germany" in a stand-up comedy night called,
"What the F**CK Comedy Night at the club Einundfuenfzig, Hohenzollernring 51, 50672 Köln. What a blast! In 2015 I hope to be part of the show again! Check back!
I finished shooting an episode of the youth series “IN YOUR DREAMS” NDR/KIKA which is a German/Australian co-production. We shot in the beautiful Schloss Marienburg near Hannover! Directed by Ralph Strasser and casting by Marion Haack.
DETOX - Thriller
I finished shooting the role of Jane Alexander in the new thriller DETOX, written and directed by Philip Mueller.
"Das Scheitern der bemannten Raumfahrt”
I completed a radio project called “Das Scheitern der bemannten Raumfahrt” for SWR directed byJan Jelinek. I was the voice of Jane Poynter one of the researchers who lived in Biosphere 2. Itshould air on SWR2 ars acustica on May 6, 2014 23:03.Interesting project! I recorded this in English.
"Look 4 Them"
The film, “Look 4 Them” is completed. I dubbed the voice of Antje Koch (who played Viola). The film was produced by Whitehouse Studios
and directed by Tom Dokoupil and Otmar Hitzelberger.
"Beltracchi - Die Kunst der Faelschung"
The film Beltracchi – Die Kunst der Fälschung had it’s premiere at the Berlinale Film Festival inFebruary and it’s Cologne premiere on Feb. 25.
The English title is "Beltracchi -The Art of Forgery."
I did the female voice over for parts of it in English. Here is some information about it in English Very interesting film and man!
The film “TAPE_13” had it’s premiere at the Berlinale Film Festival this year. I did dialect coaching for Nadine Petry (who played the role of “Ann”).
The film was directed by Axel Stein and produced by Rat Pack Filmproduktion.
"Das Scheitern der bemannten Raumfahrt”
I completed a radio project called “Das Scheitern der bemannten Raumfahrt” for SWR directed byJan Jelinek. I was the voice of Jane Poynter one of the researchers who lived in Biosphere 2. Itshould air on SWR2 ars acustica on May 6, 2014 23:03.Interesting project! I recorded this in English.
"Look 4 Them"
The film, “Look 4 Them” is completed. I dubbed the voice of Antje Koch (who played Viola). The film was produced by Whitehouse Studios
and directed by Tom Dokoupil and Otmar Hitzelberger.
"Beltracchi - Die Kunst der Faelschung"
The film Beltracchi – Die Kunst der Fälschung had it’s premiere at the Berlinale Film Festival inFebruary and it’s Cologne premiere on Feb. 25.
The English title is "Beltracchi -The Art of Forgery."
I did the female voice over for parts of it in English. Here is some information about it in English Very interesting film and man!
The film “TAPE_13” had it’s premiere at the Berlinale Film Festival this year. I did dialect coaching for Nadine Petry (who played the role of “Ann”).
The film was directed by Axel Stein and produced by Rat Pack Filmproduktion.